The certification guarantees the extraction of precious metals from small communities of certified miners in full respect of the community and the environment

Italpreziosi, a company among the international leaders in the production, trading and trading of precious metals, ingots and investment gold, announces that it has become a certified Fairmined Authorized Supplier partner, in order to guarantee a business model based on social responsibility with objective of improving the conditions of the mining communities of the various countries in compliance with environmental, social and economic policies.

The Fairmined Authorized Supplier brand - developed by the non-profit organization Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM), a global leader in promoting responsible and sustainable extraction of precious metals - certifies gold from small communities of responsible and authorized miners , which meet global standards for responsible practices, offering organizational, social development and environmental protection. Through the payment of a premium, this is then invested in the constant development and improvement of the conditions of Fairmined certified and authorized cooperatives.

Ivana Ciabatti, CEO of Italpreziosi, comments: “Today more than ever, it is necessary to strive to build a future marked by ethics and the environment. Fairmined certification indicates that precious metals extracted from small-scale artisanal mines follow strict environmental protection requirements, fair working conditions, promoting economic development in mining communities. More and more consumers prefer to buy ethical products, reduce their impact on the environment and social change. Adherence to the Fairmined brand, therefore, demonstrates Italpreziosi's commitment to ethical procurement for the benefit of workers, the community and the environment.

The Company, which has always improved the conditions of small mining companies while respecting the environment in various craft countries of the world, through the Farmined Authorized Supplier #GOLDTOBEPROUDOF certification guarantees its customers the possibility of contributing to the socio-economic and environmental development of small mining communities by choosing to purchase Fairmined certified gold. In particular, the Fairmined standard certifies respect for the rights and working conditions of miners, monitors gender equality between men, women and child labor; it also guarantees respect for the families of the miners and the entire community in which they live.

To view the official certificate: click here
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