Diversity & Inclusion Policy was signed

Diversity & Inclusion Policy was signed
Diversity & Inclusion Policy was signed
Italpreziosi is committed to strengthening and promoting the objectives of inclusion of different forms of diversity, non-discrimination, gender equality, in the work environment as well as in the company's external relations, in order to increase trust among staff/ customers, stakeholders and society at large.
Italpreziosi has always aimed at valuing all forms of diversity. Fundamental principles such as non-discrimination, inclusion and gender equality, guide the company's internal and external actions. The development of specific measures to identify and remove the causes of discrimination in policies, procedures, practices and attitudes that maintain inequalities based on different forms of diversity is considered essential, Only a multidimensional approach, taking into account multiple aspects that affect the company, can contribute to the achievement of the full potential of people within the company and its relations with external stakeholders.
The Diversity and Inclusion Policy aims to align with existing legislation as well as international standards on diversity, inclusion, and gender equality (among others the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs; the UN Global Compact and the Women Empowerment Principles - WEPs; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Women, on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, on the Rights of the Child and on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the eight Core Conventions of the International Labour Organisation ILO).
This Policy also provides guidelines for the improvement or implementation of processes to create a discrimination-free working environment with equal opportunities in the entire cycle of personnel recruitment, management, training and career development, as well as in corporate governance and communication practices.